Paul Wright B.App.Sc, Adv.Dip. (Business Management)
"Are you SERIOUSLY ready to experience total control of your health business and your life – so you can spend more time with your family, your friends, or simply doing the things you love to do?”
I hope you are, because you are about to discover a unique opportunity to have me personally transform your current practice into a true passive health business that works without you, just like I have done in my health businesses and hundreds of other clients around the world.
First, let's check the health of your health practice ... by completing this Quick Survey. Please answer the following questions truthfully. Check the box to the left of each question if you answer "YES".
If you answered ‘YES’ to ONE or MORE of the questions above, then I have exciting news for you.
I’ll Not Only Hand You My Plug-and-Play Systems to Increase Your Practice Profits, Improve Patient Outcomes, and Boost Team Productivity...
I’ll Also Personally Train Your Team to Implement All These Systems Into Your Practice Over the 8 Module “FastTrack” Program.
YES – I Do All the Work for You
In our private “one on one” mentor program – we can only help a limited number of direct clients at any one time. As you would expect, these clients see dramatic and often almost instant changes in their practices and their lives You can see a few of these clients’ testimonials by scrolling down on this page or clicking on the “reviews” tab at the top of this page.
But I’m frustrated.
I see the pain health business owners like YOU are going through daily.
Our traditional one-on-one mentor program only allows us to help a limited number of clients at any one time.
That’s why we are trying something brand new, as a way to deliver these exact same benefits to an expanded audience.
This new method has the potential to create...
The “Fast Track” online mentor program is designed to give you and your team access to me and the exact systems and processes I use in my always sold out – Private Mentor Program – with one key exception – you get LIFETIME access to the full program.
That’s right - your team can access the modules in the program for life – allowing you to use the program over and over again to induct and train each and every new team member who joins your organization.
No more inconsistent training sessions – or hours of your valuable time getting your new team member to understand your key systems and processes.
You can even get the new team member to complete the full “Fast Track” program BEFORE they arrive on the first day of work.
Imagine how much more effective and profitable your new team member will be from DAY ONE – if they are familiar with your key systems, processes, KPIs and checklists – BEFORE they even start at your business.
Existing team members will also be able to refer back to the specific mentor session (and bonus training sessions) to sharpen up their knowledge of your systems – and you don’t need to do anything.
Because I will do all of the work for you.
The “Fast Track” program is made up of 8 Core Team Training Modules – with Module 1 and 8 being for the practice OWNER ONLY and Modules 2 to 7 being specifically designed for your therapy and admin team to complete.
The unique “Two Level” FastTrack login means ONLY the practice owners are able to see the “Owners ONLY” modules – and the team members can only see the SIX team training modules.
Upon registering for the program, “FastTrack” owners complete “Module One- Owners ONLY” – to learn the fundamentals of the program and how to get the most from it – they then arrange for the rest of their team to complete Modules 2 to 7 during either a regular team meeting held weekly over the next 6 weeks – or online in their own time.
Owners then complete Module Eight – Owners ONLY – to round out the program and to capitalize on the business momentum you have generated since the program started.
But here if the best part – I DO ALL THE WORK
I have deliberately created the “FastTrack” program so all you need to do is give your team their individual program logins – and set up the team meeting times ( if you want to do the program as a group) – I then do everything else.
I have recorded all of the training sessions for the team to watch – so I do all of the team training sessions – so you do NO in-service preparation, program design or content creation – because I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU – and included it all in this program.
I have also included and created all the bonus content and homework tasks your team members must complete to increase their knowledge retention and further improve team performance – leading to greater profits, increased patient satisfaction and MORE freedom for YOU.
I have even included an “Individual Team Member Learning Diary” which automatically tells you if and when a team member has completed the core module or “Homework Task”.
It is just like having me attend your practice and personally train your team members – it does not get any better than this!
Our Turnover is Up Over $200,000
“Paul’s mentor program is fantastic – our turnover in the last 18 months is up by over $200,000. You're crazy not to have some sort of mentoring from Paul.”
We have Increased Our Income by Over $100,000
“I tried to make a list of benefits to being in Paul’s coaching program but the list just kept going – we have increased our income by over $100,000 and it is always climbing.”
Introduction to Fast Track – OWNERS ONLY
How to Earn More, Work Less and Enjoy Life
Team Training Session One – Therapist and Admin Team Members
The Truth About Private Practice - What We Did Not Learn at University About Private Practice and Serving Our Ideal Clients
Team Training Session Two – Therapist and Admin Team Members
Setting Up for Success - How to Deliver Exceptional Patient Experiences
Team Training Session Three – Therapist and Admin Team Members
How to Measure Your Performance and Deliver Spectacular Results
Team Training Session Four – Therapist and Admin Team Members
How to Fill Your Diary with Ideal Clients Who Refer Others
Team Training Session Five – Therapist and Admin Team Members
How to Reduce Cancellation, Increase Client Compliance and Get Better Patient Outcomes
Team Training Session Six – Therapist and Admin Team Members
Program Review - How to Become Irreplaceable
Playing to Win: OWNERS ONLY
How to Master Money, Recruitment and Take Your Health Business to the Next Level
You will also receive 3 months FREE access to the One Minute Practice online health business tracking portal (valued at $294 AUD) which will allow you to measure and overview your teams performance, plus give you a system to report your practice P and L – in only 10-20 minutes a month. AFTER 3 months you will be charged JUST $98 AUD (approx $61 USD) per month. You can cancel your One Minute Practice subscription at any time by emailing
NOTE: Even if you decide to cancel your One Minute Practice subscription, you and your team will KEEP LIFETIME ACCESS to the Fasttrack mentor sessions so you can use these business building team training sessions over and over for life.
JOIN FastTrack for just $1997 AUD (approx $1,252 USD)
JOIN FastTrack for three payments of ONLY $699 AUD (approx $438 USD) 30 days apart. Total $2097 AUD (approx $1,315 USD)
As Tony Robbins once said ... “Excitement must lead to immediate action or you will lose the power of momentum. More dreams die because we fail to seize the moment. Do it now!”
I encourage you to seize this moment and take action.
You have nothing to lose but so much to gain.
You can take your practice, your income and your free time to new levels of growth with FastTrack with one investment of $1997 AUD (approx $1,252 USD) or 3 instalments of $699 AUD (approx $438 USD) 30 days apart.
That works out to as little as ... $22.19 AUD (or approx $14 USD) a day for the next 3 months for me to come into your practice and run a full team training program.
All you would have to do to make that back is re-book ONE or TWO new clients or stop a couple of cancellations – and with all the tools, templates, support and coaching you'll receive, you'll have a HARD time not doing that!
Plus Free Lifetime Access For Your Team
Aside from the incredible content I will be delivering to you in the Fast Track mentor sessions, the best part is you will be able to use these exact training sessions over and over again for each and every new therapy and admin team member – for LIFE.
No more struggling to fit in inductions sessions for the new therapist - taking time away from your current client list or, even worse, stealing time from your family.
Simply give your new team member access to the “Fast Track” training program – and they are instantly aware of and following your key systems and processes.
Letting them get on with what they do best – delivering great outcomes and results for the client and patients of your, now bustling, health business.
FastTrack Members Will Also Receive These Incredible Bonuses:
Bonus #1 – Resource Library:
As a “Fast-Track” LIFETIME member – you and your team also get access to all the Scripts, Templates, Tools, Protocols, Documents and Resources my clients and I use to increase profits, reduce cancellations and improve the outcomes for all clients - including:
Each module includes a special “Bonus Resources” sections which includes extra team training , interviews and sample documents and processes you can use in your health business to instantly implement these systems into your business.
Bonus #2: Three Months Access to One Minute Practice:
All “Fast Track” members receive 3 months FREE access to the One Minute Practice online health business tracking portal (Valued at $294 AUD) which will allow you to measure and overview your teams performance, plus give you a system to report your practice P and L – in only 10-20 minutes a month.
In each module of FastTrack I will show you exactly how to set up the One Minute Practice platform so you can see instantly that all steps in the program modules are being completed.
Bonus #3: Lifetime access to the “Fast Track – Private Facebook Group”:
All “Fast Track” business owners receive FREE access to the Fast Track Private Facebook Group where you can ask your questions of me and other owners as well as share your experiences as you move through the program.
Bonus #4: Team Training Diary
All “Fast Track” business owners and their team members also have access to the “Team Training Diary” – where the program records and tracks your team to ensure they have completed all modules. Owners can log in and see all of their team members individual training log – whilst each individual team member can see their own training diary (only).
Bonus #5: A Hard Copy of Paul Wright's Amazon Best Seller - "How to Run a One Minute Practice" (posted directly to your physical mailbox)
In this book Paul shares the exact systems that will add thousands of dollars to the value of your health business.
What Sort of Value Will You Get Out of Fast Track?
The value you will receive as a lifetime member of the “Fast Track” community is incredible – especially when you consider the individual value of the components of the program – including:
8 x mentor sessions with me (my current private clients pay over $600 per hour to be part of my program) |
8 x $600 = $4800 |
Lifetime access to scripts, processes and documents to use in your health business immediately |
$5000 |
Time you will save by having ME train each of your new team members |
$7000 |
Time you will save by having ME training CURRENT team members on your processes and systems |
$7000 |
Lifetime access to the Private Facebook Group |
$600 |
3 Months FREE access to the One Minute Practice online health business tracking portal |
$294 |
TOTAL VALUE of Fast-Track |
Over $24000 AUD |
Paul’s $5000 Guarantee
If you put the FastTrack team training plan into action and don’t earn an EXTRA $5000 during the first 90 days of the program, simply contact our office and we will fully refund your money. That’s how confident I am on the dramatic transformation this program will have on your team and your practice.
A Tremendous Value Added to My Practice!
“My accountant actually rang me last week and asked what I had been doing in the business because the profits had increased so much.”
My Profits Have Doubled
“When I started working with Paul I was working 40 plus hours weeks as a clinician and on top of that spent most of my weekends and evenings trying to catch up which left me feeling stressed and with little time for family or friends. Since working with Paul, I have much better control of my business from all angles. The figures have improved significantly in only 6 months, with profits almost doubling. Which has allowed me to cut back my clinical hours to only 10 per week - spend more time at home and work on the business - not in the business - a huge difference from where I was at 6 months ago.Thanks Paul.”
You will also receive 3 months FREE access to the One Minute Practice online health business tracking portal (valued at $294 AUD) which will allow you to measure and overview your teams performance, plus give you a system to report your practice P and L – in only 10-20 minutes a month. AFTER 3 months you will be charged JUST $98 AUD (approx $61 USD) per month. You can cancel your One Minute Practice subscription at any time by emailing
NOTE: Even if you decide to cancel your One Minute Practice subscription, you and your team will KEEP LIFETIME ACCESS to the Fasttrack mentor sessions so you can use these business building team training sessions over and over for life.
JOIN FastTrack for just $1997 AUD (approx $1,252 USD)
JOIN FastTrack for three payments of ONLY $699 AUD (approx $438 USD) 30 days apart. Total $2097 AUD (approx $1,315 USD)
How One Health Business Owner Coped When She Was Forced to Take 8 Weeks Off for Back Surgery
“I am so fortunate to be part of Paul’s private mentor program – Paul helped me put systems and processes into my business so when I recently had to have urgent back surgery and take 8 weeks off from the practice – the business did not miss a beat. In fact, I made more money when I was away from the businesses than when I was treating patients. This is all because of the systems and processed Paul showed me and these are the same systems he shares in his Fast Track Program – this program should be mandatory for all health business owners.”
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What if I am already using One Minute Practice – will this program be useful for me?
Most certainly. You will be able to fine tune your current setup and use the online sessions to train all future team members - on not only the systems, but also why you use the systems in your practice.
2. Do I have to use the One Minute Practice platform to take part in Fast-Track?
Whilst not essential, it would certainly be an advantage to use the 1MP platform at least during the Fast Track program – as it will help you keep on top of the systems and processes we are covering in the program.
3. Do I need to keep using and pay for One Minute Practice access after the program ends and my 3 Month access concludes?
It is up to you. You can choose to keep your One Minute Practice subscription active after the free 3 months Fast Track access period expires – however, you maintain LIFETIME access to the training modules and resources in the FastTrack program.
4. Do we have to do the program together in weekly group meetings – or can my team and I do the program in our own time?
Most FastTrack owners will complete the Introduction to FastTrack Owners Only Module – THEN arrange weekly ONE hour general team meetings for the following 6 weeks – where the team complete the training together. However, you may decide to do one module each 2 weeks, or even run the full program in a One Day intensive. It is up to you.
5. How do my team get access to the training sessions?
Once the business owner is registered for the FastTrack program – they can then go into the members area and create the “Stage 2” logins for each of their team members – this is how the “FastTrack” systems knows how to give the owners access to all modules plus to see all the team members training diary.
6. When do I receive my logins for the One Minute Practice online portal?
Once you register for FastTrack – within 24 hours you will receive an email with your username and password used to access the One Minute practice portal.
7. What if I was a past user of One Minute Practice – will this program be useful for me?
Yes. Unfortunately, some One Minute Practice users drop out of the program because they did not have time to set up the program correctly or train their team members in how to get the most from the system. In Fast Track – we do all the this work for you – showing you and your team EXACTLY how to use the program to give you instant control of your health business.
8. If I am a past One Minute Practice user will I be able to have the same username and passwords as before – as well as have access to my past data?
YES – past users who join Fast Track will simply have their old One Minute Practice system re-activated – so all past setup and data will be saved and ready for us to take you by the hand through the full and complete Fast Track system.
9. How do I join the FastTrack Private Facebook group?
Once you have registered for FastTrack you will receive an email with the link for you to join the Private Facebook Group – however – due to the sensitive nature of some posts and questions - the group is for FastTrack owners only – NOT for your team members.
10. What if I join FastTrack and don’t feel the program has completely transformed my practice after completing it?
In the highly unlikely situation of you and your team NOT getting immense value from FastTrack – simple email us at and we will refund your payment – no problems.
11. Can I use FastTrack for Future team members induction?
Most certainly – and this is one of the key benefits of the FastTrack system as you simple send your new team member their logins and ask them to complete the full program BEFORE they arrive for their first days work. This is how all smart FastTrack owners reduce their personal induction time suck and ensure all new team members understand the systems from day ONE.
12. Can I use FastTrack as a recruitment tool?
Of course – we recommend you do exactly that. All new team members want training and education opportunities – simply telling potential new team members about this intensive training program is enough to separate you from the other possible employers looking to recruit.
13. Is FastTrack just for my therapy team or can my admin team do the program as well?
FastTrack is designed to assist owners, therapists and admin team members alike, as all of your team play a part in the business success. There are of course sections of individual modules that relate more to admin than therapists – however it is vital all of your team members complete each and every module.
14. Which health professions is FastTrack suitable for?
The FastTrack program is created specifically for allied health practices – including Physiotherapy, Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Podiatry, Acupuncture and Massage Therapy – essentially any allied health practice looking to increase profits and reduce reliance on the owner.
You will also receive 3 months FREE access to the One Minute Practice online health business tracking portal (valued at $294 AUD) which will allow you to measure and overview your teams performance, plus give you a system to report your practice P and L – in only 10-20 minutes a month. AFTER 3 months you will be charged JUST $98 AUD (approx $61 USD) per month. You can cancel your One Minute Practice subscription at any time by emailing
NOTE: Even if you decide to cancel your One Minute Practice subscription, you and your team will KEEP LIFETIME ACCESS to the Fasttrack mentor sessions so you can use these business building team training sessions over and over for life.
JOIN FastTrack for just $1997 AUD (approx $1,252 USD)
JOIN FastTrack for three payments of ONLY $699 AUD (approx $438 USD) 30 days apart. Total $2097 AUD (approx $1,315 USD)
Massive Return on Investment
“Paul has been where I am as a health business owner – he has been in the trenches so he was the perfect choice for me as a coach. I have seen massive return on investment from being part of Paul’s program – not only in financial terms but in business confidence and quality of life.”
I Now Have My Life Back
“Before I started working with Paul I was a hard working mother doing over 60 hours a week working in my health business – however after working with Paul I now only do 10 hours a week with patients and I have got my life back.”
My Business Went to a New Level
“I had taken my health business as far as I could on my own – but Paul helped me take the business to a whole new level.”
I Have Reduced My Hours Significantly and the Business Has Not Missed a Beat
“Paul's coaching program has been a great help and my health business. Although I had a practice with good revenue and plenty of work, I was still busy working 50-60 hours per week. Pauls coaching gave me the confidence and best practice approach for reducing my hours to less than 30 per week allowing me to spend more time with my family. In this time, the business has continued along its path of growth and hasn't missed a beat. Thanks Paul for spending your time helping other health professionals achieve their life goals through their business, it really is a worthwhile cause.”
I Have Now Given Myself a Second Day Off Each Week
“After only a short time working with Paul, I have already increased my profit and reduce my hours with very little impact on my clinic. I have minimised my 'hands on' patient contact, and shifted my focus towards growing the business where I am needed the most. I usually work at 1000 miles an hour, but thankfully, Paul was able to look at both my strengths and weakness so that I could put them to better use. After establishing what I thought was already a successful business, I now know how much better things can be and happily admit to writing this from the comfort of my lounge room on Wednesday, after giving myself a second day off a week.”
My Business Has Doubled in the Last 12 Months
“My private mentor coaching with Paul has been absolutely invaluable to my business! I love being a physio practitioner and have spent close on 20 years attending various courses and workshops to improve my clinical skills- as this is where my passion lies. I have been running a small private practice now for ten years, and I have to confess that despite all the clinical education, my business management skills were pretty limited. I had very little knowledge on how to run a business and felt I was flying blind most of the time! Paul has provided me with step by step support, offering structured systems and procedures in order to run my practice smoothly and efficiently. As a result of his guidance I now have a team of people I love to work with, my business has doubled in size the last 12 months (without the stress!), I have clear access to month to month business P and L, and I can ensure that my patients are being offered the kind of service that I want them to have within my business. Thank you so much Paul, you are simply awesome to work with!”